A review by tyler611
His Truth Is Marching on: John Lewis and the Power of Hope by Jon Meacham


This book is incredible. My book club chose to read this book in honor of Black History Month and I'm glad they did. I felt like it did an incredible job of outlining the Civil Rights movement and John Lewis's place in it. I'm embarrassed to say that it wasn't until I read this book that I realized just how important a role in the movement he played. There were times when the book was sickening with the vitriol and hate that people of color had to (and still) endure. I admire the tenacity and vision of people like John Lewis. It is unfortunate that the state of the world requires heroes like John to do what they do. He really did make this country, and the world, a better place for being in it. John Lewis was a giant and deserves a place in history among the greats.