A review by saramarie08
Library Wars: Love & War, Vol. 4 by Kiiro Yumi


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Iku's parents come to visit her at work, but there's a huge problem - they think she is a noncombatant working as a Library Clerk. With the help of Instructor Dojo and Asako, Iku works both days on Clerk shifts, and they all might be able to convince her parents that she does indeed work as a Clerk. They just have to stay clear of Komaki, who doesn't believe in lying, but has promised to take shifts in the records room, far away from Iku and her parents. This deceit eats away at Iku, especially because she just got off a successful mission to save the general of the Library Forces, but she can't be truthful about the part she played!

Iku may be a college-aged adult who is training to enter dangerous situations and fire weapons, but when it comes to handling her parents, she folds like so many of us do. She's worried about how her mother never thinks she's feminine enough. She's scared her dad will continue to just take her mom's side all the time. And every conversation circles back to some flaw or something she should be doing besides working for library services. If her parents are this worried about her being a clerk, I can see why Iku doesn't want to be truthful! This struggle to be honest and not disappoint our parents is something I think is nigh-on universal. This volume also contains some great reveals that, truthfully all readers will see coming, but it's nice to have official confirmation.

Sara's Rating: 9/10
Suitability Level: Grades 9-12