A review by jamietherebelliousreader
Batman: The Complete Hush by Jeph Loeb, Jeph Loeb


3 stars. I've been wanting to read this for years so shout out to amazon's kindle unlimited program for the opportunity because honestly I would've been pissed if I had spent money on this. It's no secret that I'm Batman trash but this was just one of those stories as a whole just didn't work for me.

The artwork is absolutely breathtaking. Some of my favorite actually (outside of The Killing Joke) but the story is so convoluted and bloated and nothing feels fleshed out. It builds and builds only for the anti-climatic climax. I loved all of Bruce's inner turmoil, especially in regards to his relationship with Selina but he just seemed so off of his game here. The twist was obvious from the jump and I had pieced pretty much everything together at about 20% in.

Oh, well. The artwork is stunning and I'm glad to have finally read it but it's definitely nowhere near a favorite of mine.