A review by eva_e
The Fifth Season by N.K. Jemisin


Look. If you want to dive deep, deep into another world, one so incredibly strange but grows into some strange sort of familiarity, this trilogy can do that. The 3 books were rigorous for me. You'll be learning new language, abilities, not so new social-political systems as you learn the [literal] landscape throughout this trilogy. There is a map in the front and a glossary at the end of the book. The stories contain many gems (yes, gems) of layered teachings applicable to today's world and current conditions. It had me reflecting on intimate relationships, community, and the enduring, limiting affects of academia on my imagination and understanding of learning, skills, and knowledge. From the personal to cultural, environmental, celestial and systemic levels, these stories cover a ton of terrain that I am still processing.

For me, an Octavia E. Butler fan, there were some aspects of the stories that reminded me of the Parables books, particularly the Parable of the Talents. No spoilers here though.

N.K. Jemisin is an ingenious writer, who pushes, stretches, and challenges my imagination. Thank you, NKJ!

cw: violence, infanticide