A review by bookstoashes
Eon: Dragoneye Reborn by Alison Goodman


3.75 Stars

I read this at the suggestion of my boyfriend without the intention of reading it beforehand. Other than dragons, I didn't know what else to expect. I was surprised with the content, a lot of it seemed really mature for a YA book (some scenes bordering on disturbing), and the messages within it were pretty empowering.

Considering the content, I expected more action, and felt it was mostly character development throughout a large amount of the book. That being said, I think it was well done, though a lot of the characters I didn't seem to care for.
The only ones I actually like are Eon, Lady Dela, and Ryko, and until the second book comes around, I don't know how I feel about the Prince just yet.

I'm excited to read Eona, and read about her as a female rather than her hiding behind the façade of a man. I'm hoping it'll bring out more of her personality, and I really hope to see more dragons!