A review by tsukikomew
Enticed by His Forgotten Lover by Maya Banks


This review was posted at Tsuki’s Book Blog on Friday May 10, 2013.

I typically love Maya Banks' books but this one bothered me. I had a lot of trouble getting over the general premise as well as the total 180 from the hero. It just seemed ridiculous but let's just start with the summary.

Rafe had an accident a few months ago and has been missing a chunk of his life. At a party he runs into the beautiful Bryony but when he doesn't remember her, she hits him. Once he tracks her down he discovers they were involved and she's pregnant with his child. In a true HP hero fashion, he takes over her life and demands they return to the island where they fell in love and see if he can remember. On top of that he happens to now own her family land and plans to build a hotel on it even though he promised her he wouldn't.

Rafe is surprised to learn he was completely different while with Bryony and has trouble wrapping his mind around it. He discovers he loves the island life with Bryony and embraces the changes as he struggles to remember the girl he supposedly loved. Once his memory comes back he realizes why he forgot her and their time together and now he has to prove himself.

I tend to not care for amnesia stories since they always forget convenient things. How realistic is it, Rafe lost only the memories containing Bryony? It wasn't exactly traumatic for him to have a girl in love with him. Sure the plane crash was traumatic but to forget an amazing relationship because of it, seemed odd. I get the guilt over it but seriously?!

I didn't like either character for the most part. Rafe was completely selfish and I didn't care for amnesiac self either. He knew he was a horrible person before the plane crash but when he questioned himself over his behavior with Bryony, he should have known what he was doing.

At the same time Bryony was too much of a doormat. She believed a guy she only knew for a few weeks wouldn't use the billion dollar land for a resort when it would make him so much money? He was an ass and yet she believed him. She was asking for it frankly and I couldn't believe she would get righteous over the guy when he did exactly what she expected him to do.

I just had so much trouble liking these characters and even in the end I didn't really care if they got together. He was a totally different person after he lost his memory but I didn't like the guy before that. I don't believe people can change that drastically in a short amount of time. He completely flipped his entire personality and outlook on life after knocking up a chick. I get it when priorities change but he changed everything about himself in a matter of a few weeks. It just seemed unbelievable.

I would recommend this book if you loved the other books in the series and you wanted to complete it. Also if you love unrealistic amnesia stories then this might be for you.

2 Stars
Published by Harlequin--Desire
September 1, 2011
186 Pages
Provided by--the Library