A review by thathannah
Central by Raine Thomas


Title: Central
Author: Raine Thomas
Series: Yes
Cliffhanger: Kind of
Release Date: July 2011
Rating: 4

Central continues the story of Amber, Olivia, and Skye as they train and learn about the Estilorian world. While the first book focused the most on Amber and Gabriel, Central focuses the most on Olivia and James. I like Olivia and we still get to see Amber and Gabriel but I miss them. It seemed like the first book switched views with more people throughout. I'm glad that this one didn't do that too much but I wanted more from Amber and Gabriel.

A big difference between the two couples is that Gabriel was in the human world and knows about and has emotions from the beginning. Whereas James has the normal Estilorian problem of not really knowing about emotions. While they weren't my favorite couple it was interesting to see this different perspective of someone who did not know about emotion before hand.

What I never really got was how the Estilorian's didn't have emotions anymore but then they can get jealous. There were a lot more emotions than I thought there would be. And it was strange how some seemed to be so clueless able simple things but more complex stuff was normal.

The confusion from the first book with all the different types of Estilorians was still there. The names of the leaders and the groups they led were weird and hard to remember. I still don't really know who is who and what powers they have. But that doesn't really take away from the enjoyment of the book. And since it was explained over and over in excruciating detail anytime they were all together I didn't really need to remember. That was one of the things that annoyed me the most. The incessant descriptions of what people were wearing, where they were standing compared to others, etc. And this process went through all three sisters, their love interests, the elders, and the elders' second in command people. Sometimes it went through just one of those groups and often times more than one.

I totally read the third book before finishing this review so I have that book on the mind and don't want to accidentally give something away so on to the next review!