A review by ac223
Effortless by S.C. Stephens


************************************************Minor Spoilers********************************** Great series so far. Kellen & Kiara started their relationship as an affair, behind the back of Kiera's boyfriend, and Kellen's friend Denny. They are madly in love, but can't help their lack of trust in each other. Kellen revealed his horrifying childhood experiences, his reasons for being a man wh**e, and because of all that why he loves Kiera more than anything. Kiera is living with her sister, and finding herself, the person she is separate from her relationship. Everything is great between the two of them until the D-bags get their big break and head out on tour. Kellen is extremely sweet to her, leaving notes for her to find even months after he has been gone. They talk all of the time, and even meet up at Christmas at her parents house. A hidden truth here, an unanswered text there, and they find themselves losing their hard won relationship. Griffin, wow, he is a mess. You never know what he might say or do next. It's hard to believe that Anna, Kiara's model gorgeous sister, not only puts up with him, but loves it.

***********************************************Major Spoilers****************************************
Kellen & Kiara work through their insecurity. She helps him to meet his biological father, and the way it was left it looks like he may be a healthy addition to Kellen's life. Anna is pregnant, by Griffin no less! I was surprised at his reaction, kind of sweet. I really like Jenny, she is sweet, and kind, but quick to tell you what she thinks. At the end of the book, Kiera graduated, and decided to write a book. A career that can easily accompany Kellen's new success. <3