A review by isalaur
Featherbed by Annabeth Albert



I am having a lot of fun binging this series. I appreciate the multi author series in a shared universe which must be a tricky thing to pull off. I am enamored of the conceit of wounded or different MCs in the books I’ve read this far.  Not only does it help capture my interest as a reader but I am quicker to invest in these characters. It’s nice to read so many different kinds of different!

In this case we have an older MC, Harrison, who has health concerns based on family history which drives his reluctance to get involved in a relationship. We have Finn, younger but not young, who is reluctant to get involved both because he has been burned by what he sees as Harrison’s “type” before and his first priority is to his family farm. Watching our two reluctant heroes navigate a relationship that neither was looking for and the trust issues that neither man can seem to get past made for an emotional read. The crisis point was heart wrenching. The quick reflection and resolution, an appropriate scenario given older and more mature characters, was a breath of fresh air given how so many books drag that part out annoyingly.

I am looking forward to the next book in the series where we get Tanner’s story.