A review by sizrobe
The Big Book of the Unexplained by Doug Moench, J.H. Williams III, Andy Helfer


Mostly a scattershot series of instances of "high weirdness" like Bigfoot, Nessie, the Mothman, the Chupacabra, and various flavors of alien. Maybe somewhat saved by a tongue in cheek attitude and a plethora of different illustrators. Still, if you're even a little big versed in the field, the book hits all the obvious notes. The ones I actually expected to find but weren't included were Betty and Barney Hill and Whitley Strieber.

The book came out a long while ago, which makes some of the assertations comically outdated. Stuff like the face on Mars that turned out to be a photography artifact and the world allegedly ending with the Mayan long count calendar at 2012.

If you've got a little kid interested in an introduction, this would be perfect.