A review by whatkatiereadnext
Historopedia: The Story of Ireland from Then Until Now by John Burke, Fatti Burke


Historopedia by John and Fatti Burke is a fascinating and fun look into Ireland’s long and colourful history.

My knowledge of Irish history is appallingly bad, as I wasn’t taught much, if any at my British school; most of what I know was learnt from my Irish father and grandparents.

Historopedia covers an enormously wide and varied history; from prehistoric Ireland up until the late 20th/early 21st century. We learn about prehistoric Ireland, early settlers, Viking and Norman invasions, the Great Famine, the Easter Risings and War of Independence and The Troubles, along with religion, politics, folktales, the evolution of Irish culture and much more.

All of the information is presented brilliantly; it is clear, concise and easy to comprehend, along with Fatti Burke’s fun and colourful illustrations, which complement the text perfectly.

I absolutely loved Historopedia, after reading this, I feel like I have much more of an understanding and sense of ownership of Irish history and culture. I would highly recommend it to children and adults, Irish and non-Irish alike (my dad already has his eye on it)

I’m looking forward to getting my hands on the other books by John and Fatti Burke, particularly, Irelandopedia and Foclóiropedia. I sincerely hope that the father-daughter pair continues to create fantastic books like this.