A review by fatimak
How to Be Ace: A Memoir of Growing Up Asexual by Rebecca Burgess

hopeful informative medium-paced


This was a really sweet, personal comic about the creator's experience of growing up asexual and coming to understand their sexuality. It also covers topics such as OCD and anxiety. I think this is a really great read for people who are on the aro or ace spectrum as there'll be a lot that they can relate to (the comic covers the frustrating lack of aro/ace representation in popular media, so the fact that this comic is being published by a mainstream publisher is incredible and such an encouraging step in the right direction for aro/ace visibility). I think it's also a great source to point people to who don't know anything about aromanticism or asexuality as these sexualities and experiences are explained in quite simple terms. On top of this, the art is really great too!

I received this book free from NetGalley in exchange for an honest review. 

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