A review by geleeregina
Allison Hewitt Is Trapped by Madeleine Roux


It is a compelling book. My son, for whom it takes a LOT to pick up a book, could not put this down until he was finished in the space of a day. Originally I gave this 4 stars, but have since (after some thought) changed my rating to 3 out of 5 stars. The novel is a submission of manuscript of a blog written by Allison during the Zombie Outbreak 100 years prior to the manuscript submission. Allison and 5 friends become trapped in a bookstore during the outbreak and what follows is her blog written on a laptop computer using the governments SNET (military web thingie) as she tries to escape to safety.

The story is compelling and descriptive. So much that I couldn't read more than about 30 pages in a sitting before I had to put it down. It gave me creepy thoughts about what if's.... And it has children in it that I can't deal to well with. It makes me think about my own kids...silly I know. Stupid female hormones.

I do have some difficulties with some of the story that I had a hard time suspending disbelief on:

1. A zombie squirrel. Okay so if the animals can be zombies, then why aren't the rats, zebras (it's in there), other dogs, cats, and anyother critter trying to munch on the survivors? Did the other zombies eat them?

2. How the heck can a civilian get onto a military SNET site without a password??? Did someone leave it running to go the the bathroom and get eaten by a zombie, hence it's still on???

3. All the unsecured wi-fi connections that are still running??? Or is Starbucks THAT prevelant with their wi-fi. Is there THAT many back up generators in the world?????

The author does have another novel coming out along the same theme, but later on during the Outbreak that I will read. Though the sample @ the back of the book indicated another child character which makes me cringe. *sighs* Not everything has a HEA, but in using reading to escape I want that.