A review by deearr
Zero Hour by Eamon Ambrose


This is one of the hardest reviews I have ever written. I feel that the author has talent, based primarily on a long monologue by the character Bentley during a conversation with you. I say "you" because this short story was written in second person narrative, and that is what I found most unsatisfactory.

The plot is very good, twisting and turning more than once, and was probably the only reason I read this short story all the way to the end. However, the use of the second person tense with this story didn't work for me. The short brittle sentences, written in a staccato rhythm, were more distracting than attractive. Even now I wonder whether it was a conscious decision to write such clipped sentences, and debate whether a smoother cadence might have made a difference.

I also question whether it would be incongruous to establish a interesting character and then extend the short story into numerous books and still maintain the second person narrative tense. To jump to first or third person might be a jolt, but for me, I know I could not read an entire novel in this tense and at the same time tolerate the choppy presentation. Based on the aforementioned Bentley speech, I might peek into one of Mr. Ambrose's other books to see if the tense is different. This book alone, however, would not compel me to immediately purchase the next book. Three stars.