A review by probablyjenna
Model Home by Rivers Solomon

  • Flaws of characters a main focus? Yes


Model Home by Rivers Solomon is a really clever, thoughtful rework of the haunted house genre. Solomon holds us at arms length the entire book, letting the slow burn haunt of the home make readers question just exactly what is going on. The novel doesn’t even take place in the house, which is a unique choice - much of the haunting is done through flashbacks and current processing of the main characters.

I think this is a book for people who enjoy slower, contemporary horror. The writing is really beautiful, carving out the clear trauma main character Ezri has lived through. As a reader, we don’t quite know what the trauma stems from or how Ezri has become the person they are in the present day. Solomon asks you to trust that they can take you on this journey, and that the story will bring you to the side of understanding. They do not overindulge or over inform; I really respect an author who can maintain that balance of leaving readers confused while also still moving the plot forward in a way that will eventually make sense.

While there are some tangential parts of the book that I think could have been edited down, I think the content itself is brilliant and unique. It’s hard to talk too much about the plot without giving things away; this is one best experienced blindly, although if you are sensitive I’d recommend checking trigger warnings. 

I am grateful to have read an eARC, and excited to purchase a physical copy once it comes out! Solomon is absolutely someone to watch. Also, a major shout out for their authors note, where they remark on how pointless things feel given the current state of the world, specifically commenting on the need for a freed Palestine. I am grateful they finished this book, but also grateful to know this is an author not afraid to speak truths about the world.