A review by kerrikins
The Art of Arranging Flowers by Lynne Branard


This book wasn't quite what I was expecting... It would have been nice if it was clearer that the book isn't really an all-out romance but more a general story with some romance thrown in. Expectations matter when heading into a book!

The writing dragged in a few places, and I felt it was a bit too flowery in both senses of the word. The characters didn't feel quite as well developed as I would have liked - it all felt painted with a high gloss, nice and shiny but with no real depth, and no real extreme of emotion, either. It made it a bit difficult to connect with the characters and actually care about what was happening in the book.

The lyricism is definitely there, though, and that's why I would pick this author up again at some point in the future - she has talent, even if this story didn't quite work for me.