A review by laughlinesandliterature
A Thousand Pieces of You by Claudia Gray


*I received this book from Edelweiss in exchange for an honest review*
A Thousand Pieces of You was awesome. I loved it from start to finish. It was crazy sci-fi from beginning to end, with a little bit of paranormal fate thrown in. It doesn’t get much better in the real world sci-fi category than this.

Marguerite starts this book totally heartbroken, and who can blame her? Someone has murdered her father, and it’s someone the entire family was close too. Feeling absolutely betrayed, Marguerite decides to hunt him down. I totally got that, but it was nice to see that after her initial impetuous move that she actually started thinking. I love love loved when she ends up in Russia. This added just a whole new dimension to the book, and her time there didn’t feel brief or just as a way to move the plot forward. I felt for Marguerite and Paul the whole time they were there. And by the end of the stay in Russia, I was heartbroken along with Marguerite.

I also loved the similar but parallel world idea. It was cool to see that each person was still fundamentally the same, although certain circumstances would change them. I also enjoyed the side characters just as much as I enjoyed Marguerite. They were all dynamic and changing, the different worlds were set up just perfectly. I honestly loved it. The parallel worlds were beautifully described, and I got a very real picture and sense of each world in my head. In the beginning I thought that it might fall flat, but Claudia Gray did this premise justice.

The mystery surrounding Marguerite’s father was also well done, and I really enjoyed that aspect of the book. It created a mystery within mystery, and I actually liked that because it kept me from guessing plot. There was a plot twist that had me gasping out loud.

I thought Claudia Gray did a great job with creating wonderful characters, and making believable alternate worlds. I would give the book 5 out of 5 stars, it really stuck with me even days after I finished it.
*This review was first posted to Moonlight Gleam Reviews http://moonlightgleam.com/2014/10/a-thousand-pieces-of-you-by-claudia-gray-review.html*