A review by mariam27
Breaking Mr. Cane by Shanora Williams

Did not finish book.
Dnf at 80%

I don't care what anyone has to fucking say that i dnfed this, that this doesn't give me the right but I can't fucking believe I spent 12 hours reading this and I am so fucking pissed off I see too much red to actually give a shit to finish this book.

Absolute trash. This book is absolute trash.

Female character? Absolutely fucking horrifying.

Dialogue? Atrocious. I was written in a way that the author thought she was teaching us rather than two humans talking to each other. ATROCIOUS

the plot? Could you name a more fucking cliche plot? Now I have the say the revoked scholarship was a good idea. Everything after and prior to that? Made me want to throw my phone against the wall.

I'll say it, there were moments in these books that I liked. Thread on the lightly will you and hey, I was generous enough to even finish it. But Jesus christ. I can't get past the stab scene and just the whole plot behind Cane's past is the most boring, juvenile, clichéd and overused backstory I've ever read, and enough though I barely catch a glimpse of it, I'm telling you with my whole heart I couldn't give two shits about it.

I hated, HATED THE FUCKING WRITING. the first book the writing made me go insane, and in this book it pissed me off and would you guess what, the characters pissed me off as well. It was just so cliche and spoon-feeding like and whenever there was a "bad day" the author just had to use that with an initiative to crate the most boring inspiration words that literally my eyes couldn't take it.

Now, I hate skim reading. But Jesus christ, I've lost count on how many times I've done them in this book? The normal day to day reactions? Hey I know they're boring but I actually sometimes have the decency to give a shit I couldn't for the life of me could. And just the writing was so hypocritical and sends me a whiplash every fucking chapter. One thing would happen or be said but the another scene would happen that literally contradicts the other in the most what the fuck, confusing way possible. I'm all for thought provoking, but this ain't it.

And hey, the one thing I did like in this book was when she fucking finally threw shit at her father. Usually characters like her with the same plot and reasoning pisses me off but at least that was written well.

I was literally gonna Dnf this book at the start, but curiosity just loved being a fucking bitch and had to persuade me enough to have me get through with it. Now I'm done and this book is trash and congratulations, I finally understand what it takes to rate a book 1 star.

Honestly I'm pissed at myself for those last 13 hours I'll never get back, and whatever happens in the end of the book, may peace be fucking with these characters cus hell, I have a heart enough to know they fucking need it.