A review by ferrisscottr
The Secret of Terror Castle by Robert Arthur


This is a reread...

When I was in 7th grade I discovered this series about three kids who hooked up with Alfred Hitchcock, solved mysteries, had a HQ/fort that any 7th grader would kill for.
Loved the series and have read them on and off for 30 years. I'll usually find a copy of one of the books at a flea market or co-op and I'll pick it up and enjoy the time travel back to my 7th grade self.

I stumbled across a radio dramatization of this book that was pretty decent (and free) so I thought I'd go back and read the book again.

It didn't/hasn't lost any of it's magic.
Sure I enjoyed it more when I was in 7th grade and I enjoyed it more the first time I read it (because I didn't know the end of the mystery) but I still love this book, I love this series (although the quality of the books really goes downhill after the first 20-25 books) and will continue to read them. I wouldn't call it a guilty pleasure because I don't feel guilty reading them and I honestly would recommend this book to anyone.