A review by booksnbrownsugar
It's Not All Downhill from Here by Terry McMillan


Just finished this read and I must say that I was thoroughly impressed being that this was my first Terry M. novel (like I expected anything less lol). It definitely gave me classic Terry McMillan vibes through adapted movies though (Waiting to Exhale, How Stella Got Her Groove Back) so I'm not sure if maybe this is just McMillan's "thing". The story is through the eyes of Loretha, a woman in her 60's with a loving husband, kick ass friends, and a thriving business. But like everyone else's life, there are setbacks during the course of life..illness, death, and family that you love but may not like! I like that Terry did not portray life as perfect and gave us real life scenarios that we all go through as we age and she did have a few shockers in the mix. It actually started rather slow for me, but maybe because I'm just in my early 30's (shrug). No spoilers here. Bottom line, if you're looking for classic Terry, this is your read. I'd definitely recommend to my older population of reader friends.