A review by squishies
The Chronicles of Chrestomanci, Volume 2: The Magicians of Caprona / Witch Week by Diana Wynne Jones


This volume was different to Volume 1, where Vol. 1 is about kids finding out they're the next Chrestomanci and enchanter (while losing a lot of lives! haha) The Magicians of Caprona and Witch Week is more on witches and what have you than Chrestomanci, who is featured very little in these books but obviously plays a part in putting things to right.^^^^It definitely wasn't what I had expected, I thought it would be more focussed on Chrestomanci, but when I realised it wasn't, I tried to figure out which Chant was in each book! Hehe... I couldn't, but I have a sneaking suspicion it might be Cat... or Christopher... hmm... (yeah, the *only* two Chants I know haha)^^^^Anywho, The Magicians of Caprona was about two feuding family and an impending danger to the Italian state of ... something, though strong as each family was, they didn't know who the bad enchanter was. (AND they got turned into puppets! Punches and Judies!)^^^^Witch Week was about a world that witches are illegal and burnt on the stake (heathens! =P) and these kids at the boarding school discover one-by-one that they're witches. Loved the ending =)^^^^I really like Ms. Jones' writing style and the characters she creates - been a fan of hers since my high school days =) hehe (so old! T_T)"