A review by reading_under_covers
The Block Party by Jamie Day


Every Memorial Day, the exclusive Alton Road residents host a block party, but this year someone is murdered. We’re taken back to the party from the year before to piece together just what went wrong.

THE BLOCK PARTY by Jamie Day is a domestic suspense full of d r a m a.

I really enjoyed the first quarter of the book: the setting of a ritzy neighborhood is one of my favorites with the addition of some wild neighbor drama, and the alternating perspectives between our lead busybody Alex and her 18-year-old daughter Lettie was a nice way to get an insight on all the goings on throughout the neighborhood.

However, after a while, I felt the pace to become a bit slow, the secrets and drama became a tad predictable and spanned over every trope imaginable, and the characters never seemed to really develop into anything substantial.

An enjoyable read for the most part, but nothing too noteworthy.

Thanks to NetGalley and St. Martin’s Press for an ARC in exchange for an honest review!

Publication Date: July 18

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