A review by tabatha_shipley
Private Games by James Patterson


As James Patterson books go, Private has been my least favorite series. That doesn't mean that I do not enjoy them. On the contrary, readers of my blog know that my least favorite Patterson book is still among my favorite titles. But, I digress. Private Games was not like the other Private novels I have read. Jack was not a featured main character, although he certainly makes an appearance. This time we find ourselves in London for the summer Olympics. This book was fantastic, full of high energy and villains who are real enough to scare you. It was James at his best, for sure. It also brought in Greek mythology and that feel-proud-of-humanity Olympic spirit, so what's not to love? My only complaint about this book, it ended. Honestly, it was perfect from start to finish and I highly recommend it even for those among you who (gasp, be still my heart) may not be fans of James Patterson. He went outside his norm here, and scored the gold.