A review by bookshelfbybee
Kill A Stranger by Simon Kernick


At first, this book felt a lot like your typical thriller. However, Kernick was quick to redeem himself - the chapters were short and sharp (which I LOVE) and his writing was enticing. Even though the narrative was complex, it was easy to follow. If this one had been written by anyone else, I might’ve been totally confused by all the plot lines.

Though I didn’t particularly sympathise with them, the main characters were well-developed. I was fooled by quite a few red herrings and definitely had some “ah ha” moments. Things began to shift into place around the 200-page mark.

The book finished so quickly that I wasn’t sure how to feel about the ending - was I shocked, unsurprised, annoyed? I felt so many emotions! Ultimately, this was a very enjoyable read and it was obvious that Kernick had spent time carefully developing the plot and crafting the timeline.

When to Read - If you enjoy reading thrillers by authors who don’t just walk in the genre, but run.