A review by amgs90
Losing It by Cora Carmack


3 stars

I wanted to give this book more stars because I really liked the description, maybe that's why I was kinda dissapointed with the actual story.

I don't know exactly what I expected, but first of all the guy on the cover is not the Garrick I pictured in my head. My Garrick is older and sexier. The guy on the cover is cute, but I can't see him like the hot proffesor we get to know in this book.

Garrick was one of my favorite things of this story. His personality and the way he talks (not just the accent) made me love him right away.

Bliss was amazing, and so funny. I found so amusing the way she thinks and over-thinks everything.

The scenes between her and Garrick were awesome, and the chemistry between them was obvious. The hot scenes were good, some of them really good
SpoilerTheir first night together and the first time they make love were my favorite moments

The writting was great, maybe a little too theatrical for my taste, and sometimes if you didn't know anything about the book they were talking about it was kind of hard to understand some parts, but it was clear enough to get the point.

I think at the end everything got fixed too fast too perfectly, and I still find a bit hard to believe that Bliss being an actress couldn't find a better excuse that first night with Garrick, her lying was kind of obvious, but the story was cute after all.

Maybe I had higher expectatives about this book, and that's the main reason why I'm giving it just 3 stars, but it was a light, fun read, and that was what I was looking for at this moment.