A review by susurrus
Batman Incorporated, Volume 2: Gotham's Most Wanted by Jason Masters, Grant Morrison, Nathan Fairbairn, Chris Burnham


Definitely the best Batman Inc. The entire story centers around Talia and her war with Batman which ultimately ends up getting
Spoiler their son, Damian killed. That was heartwrenching, even though I knew it would happen. I loved the moment Damian and Nightwing shared right before, hailing back to the pre-new 52 Batman and Robins when Bruce was MIA.

I can't say I'm a huge fan of the international Batmen, possibly just because I haven't spent years building a relationship with them. However, each little story at the end was good in its own way. The art in the Knight's issue was especially great. But after reading the epicness of the first part of the book, they seemed silly and unnecessary. Except Bat-Cow. I would read an entire comic about Bat-Cow.