A review by jurassicreads
Shacking Up by Helena Hunting


Heads up: as I learned by accident, you can read this series in whatever order you want! Helena Hunting does a really good job at introducing and re-introducing characters in a way that you are allowed a mini-review of them and don't feel like you should have remembered some key detail.

'Shacking Up' follows Ruby, an NYU trained dancer, who has the misfortune of catching a flu right before an extremely promising audition. When Ruby doesn't get the role, she has to face facts: she's going to be kicked out of her apartment soon and needs to find SOMETHING to earn money so that she doesn't have to pack up all her stuff and move back in with her parents. Enter Bane, coincidentally leaving on a month-long work trip and in desperate need of a pet-sitter.

I found this book to be a lot more cute than steamy at times, although there's definitely some steamy moments close to the end. I really enjoyed Ruby and Bane's banter because they are both written to be very independent characters who butt heads over some pretty relatable situations. This is a good introduction to Helena Hunting's Shacking Up series, and if you're a fan of their relationship here, I would definitely recommend continuing on to read the novella that takes place after this book...