A review by read_on_reader
Talk Nerdy to Me by C.M. Owens


Talking nerdy

I knew going into this book that Britt was going to be a different character than what we are accustomed to from our Sterling Shore family; she is logical, brilliant, and oh so nerdy. However, there were moments when I seriously wanted to smack her senseless because she was using her brilliance as a way to keep distance from Base which makes since but it just keep happening over and over and over again. The family coddled her way too much they should be as brutally honest with her as she is with everything and let her have it at some parts of the story. With all that being said though this was a great read. Base Masters makes this book, without him it would have annoyed me to no end. It’s ok to be a genius, a nerd, but why do they all have to be so cynical and too logical that they can’t enjoy anything in life. Ok sorry it bothered me a little bit but overall I loved this story and can’t wait for the epilogues to see what the heck is Raya up to.