A review by angelwolf45
Captives by Jill Williamson


I really enjoyed this book.

This is about 3 brothers who live in a world that was decimated by this plague, that was air borne then went in to the water to infect people. There is a walled off city called the safe lands where people thought would protect them from the plague until it unfortunately got in the walls. The village that these brothers live is not affected by the plague. One brother decides that he is going to help the people inside the safe lands by bringing his village into the walls. There they see that the thin plague, as they call it, and learn what the people of the city are trying to heal from.

This book was so fun and entertaining to read. I liked how they were learning that the thin plague works and the one brother is trying to help in the medical building.

The characters were great and I liked seeing how they looked at the plague and trying to figure out different ways to find a cure or a way to re-populate with people being born that do not have the plague.

There was a lot of unique technology within this book and it was interesting how each were to be used. It was interesting to see that there were some that were not caring about life much because they feel like they were going to die so why care what happens to them. Those with the plague were dying a slow death so because they don't see a cure coming they would just rather do fun things because they won't live long.

I really liked this book and I wish I had the next ones in the series because I just want to know what happens after the first book.