A review by its_tara
The Iron Knight by Julie Kagawa


This review can originally be found at my blog Hey, Tara.

It’s taken me ages to get to reading the last book in this series – I pretty much didn’t want it to end! I have absolutely loved this series start to finish, and this one just cemented it. I’ve actually decided that every girl needs an Ash.

I’m going to be honest, I was a bit dubious about how well the book being written from Ash’s point of view would go over with me. Where he’s so brooding and quiet, I wondered if I’d like it, and I wondered if it’d really give that proper insight into Ash’s mindset. Thankfully, I completely loved it, and it was brilliantly written.

Ash’s voice was significantly different to Meghan’s in the other books of the series, and it was kind of nice to have someone narrating who knew what to expect in the Nevernever. Also, the backstory in this was fabulous – it was a great insight into exactly what made Ash as cold, heartless and emotionless as he was. It also gives more background to the Ash/Puck friendship, which was a nice touch. Basically, for Puck fans, there was still enough here to keep them happy – though I’m definitely an Ash person.

In the essence of keeping my review spoiler-free I’m going to stop talking now, but I will say that this is definitely an epic end to an epic adventure, and a really nice love story – definitely usable in LTAL!

Honestly, if anyone out there hasn’t read this series yet, it really does live up to the hype – completely worth it.