A review by nightshade_novels
Deny All Charges by Eoin Colfer


This was so painful to read, possibly even more so than the first book in the series. I went into it cautiously hopeful that Colfer's good writing would return, but more so expecting another disappointment. I was right, this book was a mess. It's such a shame because the original books in this universe were so good.

There were far too many weird parts where the fourth wall was broken that just felt poorly executed and jarring. There was, what I assume was, a poor reference to Brexit in a children's book that only adults would catch. And once again the book has cringy names and made up languages that are a far cry from the brilliance of the languages introduced in the original series.
There was also one point where Lazuli is mistakenly called Holly in a typo... Did he forget who he was writing about? The wonderful Holly Short is no longer your protagonist.
I'm still not sure how I feel about the way that Artemis senior and Angeline are being written in this series, it feels very different from the original series. But then this is several years and two more kids in the future.

So was there anything I liked about this story? The plot felt like a typical Artemis Fowl story which could have been great if the writing hadn't let it down. There were also a few cases where his old style of humour shone through making me smile.

I went into this book expecting very little and that's exactly what I got out of it. I don't know how many more books Colfer has planned for this series, but I think this is where I part ways with the world of the Fowl's.