A review by servemethesky
Introduction to the Internal Family Systems Model by Richard C. Schwartz


This book was helpful and interesting. When I picked it up on the recommendation of my therapist, I thought it was going to be about the roles each person plays in a bizarre, dysfunctional family. That wasn't the case at all. This model is all about how we have different parts inside of us that play different roles- they try to protect us, they're angry, they motivate us, they shame us. By talking to these parts and being curious about their aims, we can create a more whole version of our Self and live life in a more balanced and sustainable way.

This would be hard to implement without a therapist, but it definitely got me thinking and is a good jumping off point. Also noteworthy: [a:Jonathan Van Ness|18259219|Jonathan Van Ness|https://images.gr-assets.com/authors/1562884567p2/18259219.jpg] starts off his first book [b:Over the Top|41824022|Over the Top|Jonathan Van Ness|https://i.gr-assets.com/images/S/compressed.photo.goodreads.com/books/1568302224l/41824022._SX50_.jpg|65274850] with a summary of this therapy model and a discussion of his own parts! Such a fun and fascinating connection.