A review by laurenjodi
The Daredevil Snared by Stephanie Laurens


A Daredevil Snared
2 Stars

In this installment, Caleb Frobisher is on a mission to find the mine in which the missing residents of Freetown are being forced to work. Once there, he encounters Miss Katherine Fortescue and sets about keeping the prisoners safe until a rescue force arrives.

Series note: As the books in the series all focus on a developing story arc, it is recommended that they be read in order.

Unfortunately, this series is not living up to its potential. The most significant problem in this book is the overly repetitious descriptions. Every single setting, event and character action or motivation is reiterated over and over. In fact, very little actually happens in the story and it feels as if Laurens is simply filling the pages so that she can complete the book and move on to the final installment.

Caleb and Katherine's characterization is abysmal. Despite his description as a daredevil, no details of his reckless past are provided, and neither is their any information on the financial struggles that led to Katherine becoming a governess in Freetown. Moreover, their romance is weak as they have zero chemistry and it is never clear why they develop feelings for each other.

If I weren't invested in finding out how the prisoners are rescued and the backers in London caught and punished, I would not bother with the final book.