A review by rainydaybookaddict
On the Rocks by Marja Graham


This story has everything it has spice, banter, swoon and heartbreaking moments I was hooked to this story and these characters as well as the side characters. Especially Craig he is the absolute best if he is in the scene, you know you are going to laugh, he is a nonstop good time, he is very blunt and tells it how it is. 

Lacey the FMC is a hockey photographer with a famous dad she is not close with. She does like to keep a low profile and does not date because once people find out about either they want to ask/use her for certain perks. Lacey is very outspoken she does not have a problem with saying what's on her mind. Her one liners are simply the best. 

Drew the MMC used to be in a band called Fool Gambit he was the drummer and more for the music than the fame. Much like Lacey he tries to keep a low profile due to the same reasons. This man's mouth my god had me blushing at times. In chapter 4 says “Not God. I gave you my name, and I expect you to use it.” That was a new one and I’m not mad about it.

Due to their proximity to fame they both decide to remain strangers and have one night that's it. As fate would have it, they end up becoming roommates but still want to keep the strangers aspect of their relationship. The banter between these two flows so easily there is even banter during spicy time.  As the story progresses you realize how intwined their lives have been even before they even knew each other.

I cannot wait to see what comes next.

~~What to Expect~~
🥃Close Proximity
🥃Secret Identities
🥃Rockstar MMC (Drummer)
🥃Sports Photographer FMC (Hockey)
🥃Age Gap

📷Lacey: You're kinda falling for me huh?
     Drew: Not falling, fallen I just waiting for you to catch up.
📷Loving you is the easiest thing I have ever done. Waiting for you, chasing you, hoping that I'm worthy of being in the same room as you. That shxt is hard. I deserve a gold medal for that but loving you has taught me what it's like to breathe again. so, if you do leave one day, you'll leave me a better person.
📷If I make a mess of him, he turns me to ruin.