A review by ashleighbeanxo
Strong & Wilde Part 1 by L.G. Castillo


Strong & Wilde Part 1 introduces us to Cody and Cassie. When Cody is 10 years old, his father dies in prison, but before he dies, he makes Cody promise to stay out of trouble, and not to deal with problems (such as bullies) with his fists. Cassie's father takes Cody under his wing, and after discovering the boy shares the same birthday as his daughter, invites him to come on the annual camping trip they have for Cassie's birthday. Cassie is understandably not happy at first, as Cody is somewhat of an outcast, but the two soon become good friends.

Fast forward 7 years. Cody moved out of town a couple of years ago, and when he returns, Cassie is shocked to discover that he has blossomed into a fine young man. But she's not the only one to realise this. After a family tragedy occurs, Cody is there for Cassie, and they both realise there could be something more between them. But can either of them admit their feelings?

I went into this book not really expecting more, purely because I'm not a huge romance reader. I find they can be a bit cheesy and tropey, and a lot of them (in my opinion) are not well-written. That being said, I really enjoyed this book. I liked the characters and the romance, and while there were a few tropes, I can't be mad at that them, because I did have a good time reading this. My only issue was I would have liked it to be a bit longer and more fleshed out, but as this story is in serial form, I can understand why it's so short. Overall, it was a fun and easy read. Look forward to continuing on with their story.