A review by anniemariek
Book One of the Travelers, Volume 1 by Carla Jablonski


Note: I can't review this like I normally do, because this book is actually three shorter stories. They revolve around the Travelers Kasha, Gunny, and Spader, from D.J. MacHale's Pendragon series. The stories are about what happened before the war began and Bobby dropped in. They aren't written by D.J. MacHale.

I picked this up at the library because I'm such a huge fan of the Pendragon Series. I loved every page of those books. So, naturally, I figured it would be awesome to get some insight into the lives of the Travelers.

I was disappointed.

First, I wasn't happy to find out that D.J. MacHale didn't actually write this. The writing in this book just didn't work for me. Words were repeated over and over, sometimes in the same sentence. Dialogue was a bit sloshy in places. There was a lot of 'telling'.

I was hoping for some pretty intense foreshadowing here. Like, for example, Gunny could make some reference to how he could never live without his hand. But the only real foreshadowing was that we got to see the beginning of Spader's anger problems.

I had a hard time getting into Kasha's story. Gunny's was alright, but I found a plot hole that is...currently escaping my mind, but it's there. I did like the insight as to where his name came from. I liked Spader's story best. Then again, how can you not love Spader? I could actually get into his story and was anxious to find out what happened next, but the whole I-hate-you-but-if-we-want-to-survive-we'll-have-to-work-together was really cliché.

I understand know why the stories were in the order that they are. First Kasha, then Gunny, and finally Spader. A lot of people will go into this just for Spader's story, so why not make them read all the others first to get there? If Spader was first, so many people would just put the book down.

Overall, this disappointed me. The characters were so much less in-depth than the actual series, especially since I was pretty much expecting 243 pages of character development. I didn't like the writing, and the plots just weren't that gripping. If you've read Pendragon, you can try this if you want to, but they don't add much to the series. Three stars.

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