A review by mel_reviews_in_a_pinch
Stolen by Erin Bowman


Actual rating is 3.5 out of 5 stars.

Living in a coastal settlement with no way out. That sounds like a major suckfest. Obviously the whole breeding aspect would be an issue, if not confusing. I just think I’d get seriously bored with it. The entire Taken universe is fascinating though. I do have to admit that this review is for Stolen, the prequel to Taken and I have not read Taken yet. I like to read the prequel(s) first, if at all possible.

Bree was amazing. I want a friend like her and I’m really hoping she’s in Taken. She’s tough and can take care of herself. I did feel really bad for her when it came to Lock, the boy she loved. I can imagine how much it hurts for that to essentially be one-sided. I will admit to being confused by their relationship. I think it was definitely one of those where you hold the person you care most about at an arm’s distance (for Lock), but I’m not sure.

The story is an interesting one. After reading Stolen, I’ve come to realize that Taken is not about what I thought it was, which isn’t necessarily a bad thing (I think I was confusing it with the movie Gone). However, now I’m prepared for something more supernatural. The whole way of life in Saltwater seemed a bit depressing. I think I’d be praying to be Snatched one day (sure I’d miss my family, but staying isn’t something I’d be happy with).

I definitely enjoyed reading Stolen. It helped add to my excitement for reading Taken and also may have tempered a few of my expectations (again, not a bad thing). I would definitely recommend Stolen, especially if you haven’t already read Taken, like me.

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