A review by carol26388
Uncanny Magazine Issue 7: November/December 2015, by Michael Damian Thomas, Lynne M. Thomas, Michi Trota


"The moon was the eye of an ink–dark whale overhead, barnacled with stars."

*Note* This review and rating is ONLY for Ursula Vernon's piece, Wooden Feathers.' When I reviewed it, it was shelved as a stand-alone piece.

"Sarah’s favorite was a walrus. It was snow white, with a blue saddle, and its tusks were scrimshawed with starfish and ships. Its lumpy, bristly face was screwed up in a grin of delight. In the photo, a little girl had her arms as far around it as they could go, and she was grinning too. "

Ursula Vernon's short stories are filled with a surrealism, that moment when reality changes into something quite extraordinary. They recall both the history and the culture of fairy tales at the same time that they've been modernized and transformed into a recognizable and current setting. And while she does that, she works with a complex of emotions, those feelings of pride, disappointment, compassion. There's a few off notes here, specifically, why the old man would share his work, but part of the magic of fairy tales is that there isn't always a reason for the magic. Wording is quite nice, solid description that is at turns bare bones and at other times ornate. I'll keep my eye out for her works.