A review by fourclarkes
Keeping King by Anne Jolin


Read for ByoB

This is was my first book by Anne Jolin and it will not be my last, as a matter of fact I need to go back and read the first three books in the series so I feel like I am all caught up on everyone's life. This book can be read as a standalone, but I still felt like I was missing out by not reading the other books in the series.

The book for me could be described by a kiss:


This installment was about Peyton Callaghan who is hiding from her past and Jayden King who is convinced he already had his one chance at love. Peyton is shy and quiet and she has had a crush on Jayden for some time. Jayden is anything but shy and quiet, he is all alpha but his behavior can sometimes be related to that of a child. When he doesn't get his way, he storms off and acts like a complete jerk. While this is his most frustrating trait it was also his most endearing.

"They say that every man needs a woman when his life is a mess. Because just like in a game of chess, the queen protects the king. If that is the case, I am ready to catch my King and keep him too. Whether he is ready or not."

Due to an accident, Peyton finds herself rooming with Jayden and that is when things really get fun. He is brooding jerk and she is confused patient. Their interactions throughout this book were really enjoyable. I found myself laughing at the things they would say to each other. And I was really rooting for them to figure it out before it was too late. Both of their pasts are tragic and under their outward personalities you find that Jay is big softy and Peyton can be as tough as nails.

The writing was very engaging and even though I missed other installments, I found myself being able to pick up on the other's characteristics because they were just really well written. The whole book was well written; conversation flowed well, there was action (inside and outside the bedroom), and great references thrown in. Payton and Jayden's journey was a pleasure to read; it was funny, heartbreaking, sexy, endearing and entertaining. I can't wait for what is next for these friends and I will definitely be tuning in.