A review by justsortofreading
Doctor Who: The Stone Rose by Jacqueline Rayner


Basically, a typical adventure with perhaps a bit too much cliche. When the Doctor and Rose goes to Ancient Rome, something happens to Rose and the Doctor is alone. Once Rose is back, the Doctor is missing and once they are both back, the world is in danger. You know the deal. There are a lot of Doctor/Rose moments in this one.

On the other hand, listening to David Tennant can be very enjoyable, especially if you are fond of his Scottish accent. Not to mention, he surely knows how to narrate the Doctor, seeing as he plays the Tenth One ;) Sometimes it does become too much (like when he talks in a rush) and sometimes it becomes too funny (like when he talks as the GENIE and Mickey) but otherwise, it was enjoyable. However, I don't think audiobooks is something for me. I lose focus too much.