A review by sarahsbooklife
The Captivating Flames of Madness by Jeff Parsons


I received a copy of this book from Blackthorn Book Tours for free read and review as part of this Book Tour

One thing that I love about collections of short stories is that you get varying stories of genres and characters. And I really enjoyed reading this collection of short stories. I loved the variety of stories that captivated my imagination.

Each of these stories were amazing to read, with varying degrees of tension and shock that made my spine tingle. There were some that I felt were somewhat predictable until the page or paragraph of that story. I thought that it was really clever that many of the stories made you think that the story was headed in one direction but then went seamlessly into another. Or a character turned out to be completely different to how they were first introduced. These twists made me enjoy these stories even more because it just changed the whole narrative. Sometimes in only a few word or a sentence. Which I thought was so clever and well done.

I loved how so many of the stories in this collection were essentially very simple. As the revolved either a very small group of characters, a single character, a small series of events or even just one. Some of them were set over longer periods of time, such as a number of weeks, whereas other were much shorter, some appeared to be set under or around only a few hours long. I really loved how the stories centred around supernatural elements, everyday horrors and science fiction. It made these short stories so enjoyable and made them feel very believable as so many of them where rooted in reality that had been altered and filtered through fear.

There were some stories that I didn’t enjoy as much, but that is kind of to be expected with collections of short stories, not all of them are going to be 100% to your tastes. I liked so many of the stories that I can’t pinpoint a favourite, but here are a few of the ones that I can’t get out of my head The New Order, Control, Witches’ Hill.

I would really recommend reading The Captivating Flames of Madness. Especially if you like reading spooky kind of creepy stories, or if you’re still the mood for reading more spooky books right after Halloween, then I think that you’ll really enjoy this book.