A review by claire_loves_books
The Wild Swans by K.M. Shea


Le sigh- we have a love triangle. The resolution to the love triangle felt like a cop out
Spoiler and having the choose your own ending meant the author had to leave both options open until the end- I didn't really see or feel that Elise was getting that much closer to either of them. The saddest thing thought was that at the end of Rune's ending (yes I read both) Elise says she loves Rune and is really happy but that being accepted into her family is as important to her- so she lived through years of misery so that she could stay open as a marriage prospect. She clearly didn't need either of them (as they were apparently interchangeable) so it just seemed so sad that most her life was made more miserable for that.

Also I might be being petty here- but you just wouldn't be able to knit with fresh nettle stems- they're not flexible enough. And somebody give the girl a set of gloves.

I also found it a bit confusing- I have read [b:Beauty and the Beast|19447511|Beauty and the Beast (Timeless Fairy Tales, #1)|K.M. Shea|https://images.gr-assets.com/books/1387045421s/19447511.jpg|27534886] but in places it felt like there should have been another book before, a prequel or something- I felt like I was expected to know more about the countries and the world than I did