A review by ctorretta
The Ghoul Archipelago by Stephen Kozeniewski


This starts off AMAZINGLY! Right away we meet two guys that are on an island and a gal has been (cover your eyes if you’re squeamish) impaled through the eyeball! HELLO! That would hurt. This was the introduction to the book so I just knew I was going to love this one.

Let me start with the downsides then I’ll go on singing Stephen Kozeniewski’s praises. Firstly, there are a ton of characters. This isn’t a really long book but wow… I had to sometimes stop and refresh my thinking as the point of view would change or I would lose who a character was. There’s a lot. Secondly, although this started wonderfully, there were some lulls. For a book with 360 pages I think some of the lulls could have been edited.

Now the awesomeness! I loved the writing. I don’t know what it is about Stephen’s writing but he just drew me in. Even with the lulls the writing was great. There is also a TON going on. There are zombies, and politicians (I don’t know which is worse honestly), and pirates! The plot is engaging and interesting and really made me think. And to make things even better this isn’t just your average run of the mill zombie story. There is a lot in here, twists and things that I just would not have imagined. Stephen Kozeniewski does an amazing job of relying the detail and the horror of what is going on and makes you feel like you’re going to have nightmares! I love it! And to top all of that off this is even satirical, if you can imagine that!

In short; amazing for horror lovers everywhere! Those that are squeamish may want to get ready for nightmares.