A review by crookedtreehouse
Resident Alien Volume 5: An Alien in New York by Peter Hogan


I've really enjoyed watching this story evolve over the last several years. An alien who appears human crash lands in a small town, and ends up as a doctor. Previous collections have had him solving mysteries, but in this book he finds some information that suggests he's not the only alien on Earth, and he heads to New York to track down the possible other alien.

The pacing in this volume is perfect. Almost nothing is extraneous, and yet the story doesn't feel rushed, nor are there any unnecessary narration boxes. A character says he wants to go to New York but shouldn't go alone, and we immediately see the conversation where someone agrees to go with him, and then we're in New York. At no point did the transitions feel jagged to me.

There's some well-played political commentary in this book. It's not Against anything, it's a positive message that goes against certain modern politics. It certainly fits within the plot this book set out in the first volume, and its absence would have been noted.

I recommend this book to anyone who like a quick, easy comic read that's also very satisfying.