A review by peachywrites
Crystal Blade by Kathryn Purdie


while I did think this was better than the first one, i still had issues with it.

I won't spoil anything for potential readers but basically she made some really avoidable bad desicions. you will understand if u decide to read it.

Small rant:
Also there is a whole thing that killing is wrong and then a chapter or so later, it's okay ok? so saving your loved ones is wrong but it's ok to kill to save thousands?
End rant.

I think this book though had a pretty strong start but a little over halfway, I started thinking "why?" and struggled through the rest of it. Idk I'm not sure I will bother finishing the series but I still want to try and give it a chance bc I don't hate the books, I just feel like there is all this potential for it but it doesn't meet my expectations.

granted, I do believe many ppl would enjoy these books. I'm certain of it. Maybe im just not the right audience for it despite loving the genre.

I guess my biggest issue is with Sonya bc I like the other characters very much.

anyway, I give it a 3/5 bc the book wasn't terrible but there were just some things that made me do a whole face palm and wonder why this or that happens. there were just things in this I didn't understand why it shifts so much and changes it's mind. I'm not sure what the author was going for.

I leave it completely up to u. I say if you really enjoyed the first book, I'm sure you will like this one. I do think it was better overall. The pacing was much better, I just struggled with Sonya and the whole changing opinions on things so suddenly in the book and it made no sense to me.