A review by anna_hepworth
Saturday the Rabbi Went Hungry by Harry Kemelman

Did not finish book.
Saw a reference to this series; figured it worth investigating. I read the intro (very interesting), and two chapters, and concluded that this was not for me. In the first chapter, the rabbi is attempting to eat dinner, while the phone is going off repeatedly, which was a little too close to farce for my liking. In the second, a church man of one of the Christian sects was complaining to the a higher up police person about the behaviour of a couple of beat cops and their treatment of two African American individuals. (Although the terminology was different, this book being some decades old)

There wasn't enough time for me to get much of a feeling for the setting, but small town/rural USA with a police problem is rarely for me. That, together with the farcical feeling of the first chapter, and the fact that I didn't particularly gel with any of the characters, and I decided not to continue.