A review by debchan
Sometime After Midnight by L. Philips


.5 stars

this was just a straight up bad book, from the characters to the watery plot to the sketchy message. but let's start at the beginning.

nate: do you ever hate a character as much as nate?? right from the get-go we're expected to feel bad for nate and excuse his shitty behavior just because his father committed suicide? also blaming cam for his father's suicide when cam was just a kid, like what on earth? what i don't understand is why nate hates cam SO much in the fist part of the book. is it because it was the only way to create sexual tension? was it for the enemies-to-lovers trope? if so, it was horribly done. i don't think i've ever hated a character so wholly and entirely as nate. anyway, moving on.

tess let's say tess is problematic and just leave it at that. honestly, stay out of other's peoples lives and stop forcing your opinions on them. you're not a saint - stop trying to act like one.

cam: cam is a spoiled brat who thinks he can have every little thing he wants. nate? stalk him. like, um, creepy much?

others: yeah, there's other stuff i have problems with. for example, the constant talk about how hip and cool music is. i get this is a book about music, but it gets super annoying when an author wants to show off their extensive knowledge of music and unknown artists, known only to them. pure music snobbery. everyone was white and boring and problematic. the one fat character was seen with food in literally ever scene, either stuffing his face, or unable to function properly without wheezing (that's not how the real world works). there are many, many other issues with this book but i can't seem to type them all.

ONE good thing: i loved the fact that it wasn't a book about BEING gay. it's refreshing to read in ya literature. there was no homophobia. it was just a relationship - nothing weird or abnormal about it. and that was the only good thing i can say about this book.

it's really sad, because i had 5 star expectations from this book. it sounded so good and promising that this was probably the biggest disappointment of the year (besides [b:We Contain Multitudes|41716953|We Contain Multitudes|Sarah Henstra|https://i.gr-assets.com/images/S/compressed.photo.goodreads.com/books/1537674597l/41716953._SY75_.jpg|60091719] *shudders*).