A review by alexanderp
The Adventure of the Dux Bellorum (Conversation Pieces Book 62) by Cynthia Ward


Originally published here.

Four years after the events of the previous book, we find Lucy Harker on a new mission from M. This time she is tasked with playing bodyguard to a young Winston Churchhill during the Great War. All hell breaks loose when they are ambushed by a pack of wolf-men near the war front and Harker now has to sojourn through enemy countryside to retrieve him. Her mission only becomes more complicated when her lover Clarimal Stein enters the scene as well as rumors of a long thought extinct pterodactyl…

This story doubles down on the fantastic in this alt-history novella. Ward does a wonderful job weaving those paranormal aspects to this work, while keeping the historical events just as relevant, though bending them when they need to be. The holistic quality of this book makes it so you do not need to read the previous book, but it does help flesh out Harker’s and Stein’s relationship, as well as the greater conflict with Dr. Krüger. But, even knowing all of that, it wouldn’t hinder a reader coming into it cold.

This story by virtue of taking place on a literal war front is paced with a thriller tone, so the action is fast and visceral. Lucy is as interesting as before, while dealing with her love for Clarimal, especially as their relationship enters new harder territory. The romance between our two female leads is fun, although I did find Clarimal a little whiney if not difficult to empathize with later on in the story. Harker is a fantastic heroine to follow though and I will enjoy returning to follow her in the future.