A review by koalathebear
The Taste of Lightning by Kate Constable


I previously read The Singer of All Songs, The Waterless Sea and the Tenth Power by Kate Constable and enjoyed them. I thought that Taste of Lightning was outstanding, though.

First of all, I really liked the characters of Tansy (laundry maid) and Perrin (soldier) a LOT. I totally ship them. Skir was what you would expect from your slightly whingey heir-apparent, but he's not too unbearable. I liked the world that Constable has created, I like the folklore, the ethnicities, the culture and the stories. I liked the magic and the history - I loved the suspense and dread she manages to describe while at the same time writing a delightful 'road trip' story with three young protagonists.

Kate Constable is really a very talented writer. She doesn't over-use words and I was completely absorbed by the story she was telling. I was reading this book during my lunch break today and almost burst into tears about a horse!!!! Given that the book was written in 2007, my expectations for any further books is very low but I am hopeful that this is not the last that we see of Tansy, Perrin and Skir.