A review by bookmaniacforever
Follow Me Back by A.L. Jackson


⭐️ 5 Stars ⭐️
A.L. Jackson knows how to touch you profoundly with her incredible writing. In Follow Me Back, she fashioned the perfect mix of attraction, heartbreak, hope and charming characters to make this read exceptional.

Kale Bryant is not the kind of man to get his heart involves with women, but when he meets the stunning and reserved Hope, there’s just something compelling about her. He can’t stop thinking about this woman. I enjoy how from the very start this undeniable magnetism between them is impossible to ignore. Kale has this interesting carefree attitude. He’s flirty and charming, but also funny and dedicated. He lives for his job as a doctor taking care of his little patients. Under his picture-perfect nature, he hides heartbreak and guilt over a terrible event that forged the damaged man he now is. He’s fearful of opening his heart to Hope, because of these feelings of self-loathing and inadequacy.

“I’d allowed myself to love him so freely. Love him so easily. Because I saw so much greatness in him. So much kindness in his giving, bleeding heart. ”

While Kale is such an interesting protagonist, Hope is also a strong heroine and incredibly steadfast. She feels something for Kale, but her home situation is so difficult that she doesn’t see any possibility of a relationship with him. She works with one goal in her mind and nothing will make her swerve from this purpose. Kale is definitely a distraction, but he’s so enticing that the barriers she tries to put between them gradually erase.

The intense chemistry and sexual attraction is only growing and growing through the story and when it finally reaches its peak, the passion unleashed between these two is blissful and touching. A.L. Jackson has a magic touch with the way she beautifully crafts this kind of relentless anticipation. I live for these moments in a book!

“Don’t you dare give up on hope, Kale Bryant. Don’t you dare. Not when we’re finally free.”

I was so glad to see a little more of Rynna, Rex, Frankie Leigh, Nikki, Ollie, Lillith and Brody. I love how they’re such a great group of friends, always there to help Kale in his battles. There’s a sense of family more than friendship between Ollie, Rex and Kale and it shows remarkably in this series.

Once again, the Fight for Me series made me fall hard for a sweet couple with a lot of adversity, but a relationship so worth it! I laughed, swooned, cried and hurt for Hope and Kale. Follow Me Back is a ride of emotions over emotions that is not to be missed.

** ARC received in exchange for an honest review **